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“One must know not just how to accept a gift, but with what grace to share it.”

—  Maya Angelou

Why is giving back  so important?

Charitable giving is about SO much more than tax credits. As a person who has benefited from the generosity of others more times than I can count, I am passionate about giving back to those that make this world a better place. Also by serving others less fortunate with my time and unique skill set. I love to challenge each of my clients to consider how they can give back to charities and organizations that are doing good work in the world around us.  Through the collective efforts of all of us, we can make a difference!

For me personally, I commit a minimum of one day a week to helping educate individuals on healthy money management & one-on-one financial coaching.  Living generously is the number one tool individuals and families can use to break the hold money has on them.   Thankful, content, and generous people are happier and live much healthier lives. This is what I want my life to be about!

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